Pulitzer Prize winning amateur photographer Arnold Hardy has died. He was the Georgia Tech student who brought the most memorable image of the Winecoff Hotel fire to the world.
Hardy passed away December 5th from complications following hip surgery. His funeral was held, fittingly, on December 7th, the sixty-first anniversary of the fire that brought him a Pulitzer Prize -- and a sense of consternation that it was earned in the midst of tragedy.
For more than forty years the woman in the famous photo remained unidentified and was presumed to have died from her fall. In 1993 the book
The Winecoff Fire suggested that she was a badly injured survivor, Daisy McCumber.
Hardy was a mechanical engineer and founder of Hardy Manufacturing, which still makes medical X-Ray equipment.
He was proud of his photo. He was most proud, however, of the important role it played in shaping public opinion to improve fire safety codes worldwide. He was 85.
Arnold Hardy: A useful life - defined by a moment that mattered.
To read the Associated Press obituary click
here Labels: Eyewitnesses, Photographs